17:04 / 12.11.2020

Prosecutor becomes victim of a traffic accident in Surkhandarya

Senior prosecutor of the Surkhandarya Region Prosecutor’s Office B. Ergashev was killed in a traffic accident, deputy prosecutor of the region Kh. Kulliyev was injured.

“On November 7, 2020, at 21:30, the car with Ergashev inside, collided with a reserve locomotive moving in the direction of “Termez-Uchkizil”.

As a result of the traffic accident, the driver and senior prosecutor Ergashev died at the scene, the press service of the Prosecutor General’s Office told Kun.uz.

Kulliyev, the deputy regional prosecutor, who was in the back seat of the car, was hospitalized with bodily injuries.

The Surkhandarya Regional Prosecutor’s Office initiated a criminal case under Article 266-3 (a) of the Criminal Code.

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