SOCIETY | 21:00 / 16.12.2020
2 min read

Tashkent to introduce rubbish sorting system

A presidential decree “On measures to improve the management of household and construction waste in the city of Tashkent” has been adopted, the Ministry of Justice reports.

According to the document, the state unitary enterprise “Maxsustrans” and the state enterprise “Chiqindilarni qayta yuklash va utilizatsiya qilish” are transferred from the system of the State Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection to the system of the khokimiyat of Tashkent.

Waste management activities will be organized on the basis of a public-private partnership with the participation of the state unitary enterprise “Maxsustrans”.

Starting from March 1, 2021, the phased implementation of the system of separate collection of municipal solid waste will be carried out as follows:

  • the 1st stage (2021) - collection of waste is carried out according to categories (“recyclable” and “not recyclable”) on the territory of mahallas, the list of which is determined by the khokimiyat of Tashkent;
  • the 2nd stage (2022) - collection of solid household waste in individual residential sectors of all territories served by the state unitary enterprise “Maxsustrans”, dividing them into categories “recyclable” and “not recyclable”;
  • the 3rd stage (starting 2023) - collection of waste in all regions divided into categories “recyclable”, “not processed”, “organic”, “hazardous household waste” and others.

In the first stage, users will be provided with free color containers and (or) recyclable packages.

Tariffs will be set accordingly.

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