Tashkent khokimiyat presents new projects for improving the city
In 2021, Tashkent plans to renovate more than 500 mahallas, build parks and alleys, and lay 42 km of bicycle pathway.

Photo: KUN.UZ
This was reported by Tashkent’s First Deputy khokim Bakhtiyor Rahmonov.
“Renovation works will soon begin in more than 500 mahallas of Tashkent. It means each neighborhood will have a stadium, a sports hall for teenagers, a parking lot, a soccer field and a small library. Each district will have one avenue and pavements and bicycle paths on both sides. In spring, it is also planned to plant trees along these roads,” he said during a press conference.
The projects included alleys along the streets of Istirokhat and Abdulla Kadyri (from Sebzar Street to Labzak Street) and along Gagarin Street.
It is also planned to improve the environment under the overpass of the Qoʻylik Subway Ring Line on the Ohangaron highway, the territory of the Botanical Garden, to renovate the Cinema Palace named after Alisher Navoi and the square at the monument to Sharof Rashidov.
In addition, plans included the opening of the Park of Culture and Recreation “Yangi Sergeli”, the Aviation Park, the improvement of the Lutfiy Park, the territory around the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan and along the embankments of the Qoraqamish and Junarik canals.
In the Chilanzar district along the Ankhor Canal, an embankment recreational area “Novza” with a length of 1.7 km will be created. Tashkent khokimiyat also plans to build 42 km of bicycle pathways.
Bakhtiyor Rahmonov stated that the projects presented were only a proposal.
“Detailed project on improving each of the named locations will be discussed separately with the public and mass media as well as district councils,” he concluded.
Предложение по благоустройству парка культуры и отдыха «Янги Сергели»
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