11:56 / 16.02.2021

Traffic Safety Department refutes rumors on lowering of tariffs for tinting

Reports on lowering of tariffs for tinting have not been confirmed.

Photo: KUN.UZ

Social networks have recently circulated reports that prices for tinting would be reduced. However, the Traffic Safety Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs denied this information.

The Department noted that the tariffs introduced by the government decree of July 18, 2018, remain in force.

Tariffs for tinting rear side windows of cars (categories M1, N1 and N2):

• for individuals – 5 BCAs (currently 1,225,000 soums);
• for legal entities – 10 BCAs (currently 2,450,000 soums);
• for legal entities of foreign states – 20 BCAs (4,900,000 soums).

Tariffs for tinting both rear and front side windows of cars:

• for individuals and legal entities – 50 BCAs (12,250,000 soums);
• for legal entities of foreign states – 80 BCAs (19,600,000 soums).

“The requirements of this decree are currently in force, the reports disseminated in social networks are unfounded and have no base,” the statement said.
