SOCIETY | 22:22 / 28.06.2021
5 min read

Expert: vaccination is the most effective tool against Covid-19

11 patients who are treated in Zangiota hospital addressed to hospital after the first stage of vaccination. The head of hospital Anvar Khusanov noted that those who did not accept complete doses of vaccine may still be infected, though the disease will not be severe, and that the pandemic can be stopped only by carrying out mass vaccination.

Comparing different countries’ approaches to fighting pandemic, we may conclude that vaccination against the disease is the most effective way of fighting it.

The press service of the Ministry of Health interviewed the director of infectious diseases hospital No. 1 of Zangiota district Anvar Khusanov about the effectiveness of vaccination.

The expert answered a question on efficiency of vaccination at fighting the pandemic.

“It is known that today the COVID-19 became one of the serious diseases that cause panic among people.

It should be noted that in such difficult and severe conditions, humans created several vaccines for effective fight against this disease and some countries succeeded to eliminate the pandemic with them.

For example, Israel has the lowest indicator on COVID-19 infection cases, because 53 percent of the population of this country are vaccinated by two doses.

The vaccination in India, however, proceed poorly, and therefore an epidemiological situation is unstable. According to statistical data, now the infection rate is 50-100 thousand people a day. In such difficult situation the virus may also mutate, but fortunately, vaccine created still can show resistance to all types of mutations of a virus,” he told.

The expert noted that vaccines are more effective than even the post-infection immunity.

“I can tell that vaccine protects better, than the immunity formed after the infection. Because the quantity of neutralized antibodies after vaccination exceeds quantity of the antibodies which are formed after a suffering disease. Also, non-vaccinated people suffer harder complications: the long-term damage of a respiratory, cardiovascular system and a brain.

It is known that our compatriots are vaccinated free of charge, for maintaining health of the people, and protection against a disease. It is true expression of humanity.

If we do not receive vaccine, we will threaten not only our health, but also health of the relatives. Unfortunately, such indifferent relation to vaccination can lead to severe forms of a disease. The pandemic can be stopped only by mass vaccination,” he continued.

Anvar Khusanov also commented on rumors that “infection is possible even after vaccination.”

“It should be noted that all available vaccines can protect from the existing coronavirus strains. The main thing, vaccination against COVID-19 preserves against adverse and serious consequences of a disease. It is true that in certain cases it is possible to get infected after receiving vaccine, but it is generally possible among people who went only through the initial stage of vaccination.

In fact, the immunity against coronavirus is formed within 3 weeks after the second or third dose of vaccine. During this period, it is very important for the person to preserve himself.

I as the doctor treating the patients who are in a serious condition because of coronavirus infection would ask all our compatriots to take vaccination seriously,” - told the expert.

According to the Ministry of Health, in Uzbekistan in the course of vaccination during the last day more than 100 thousand doses of vaccines against coronavirus were applied. Of these, 66,827 were the first stage doses, 17,034 – the second stage, and 16,319 – the third stage.

As of today, Uzbekistan applied 3,280,736 doses of vaccine: 1,145,294 doses were used for the second stage, and 202,467 doses – for the third stage. Thus, the number of vaccinated people in the country is 1,932,975.

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