SOCIETY | 17:48 / 07.07.2021
2 min read

Uzbekistan Railways comments on reports of theft during the subway construction 

“Uzbekistan Railways” commented on the reports about the theft of 899 million soums during the Tashkent subway construction.

Earlier, the “Uzbekistan 24” television channel reported that 899 million soums were misappropriated during the construction of the ring line of the Tashkent subway, and the internal affairs department initiated criminal proceedings.

The company clarified that construction work on the “Dustlik-2 – Kuilyuk” section began in 2019 and was completed in March 2020. However, lockdown measures due to the spread of coronavirus infection delayed the opening of the facility.

When employees of the First Power Installation Train enterprise returned to work, they discovered that cable products were missing and submitted an application about it for the transport prosecutor’s office.

According to the preliminary investigation, unknown citizens stole cable products worth 899.1 million soums. It is noted that the identities of the perpetrators were established, and they recovered damage in the amount of 180.9 million soums.

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