POLITICS | 12:48 / 19.07.2021
6 min read

Center of Islamic civilization to be transformed

On the basis of the presidential decree, the Center of Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan will become a center that widely promotes the idea of “Third Renaissance – New Uzbekistan” and studies the achievements of the period of new revival on a scientific basis.

On July 16, the presidential decree on improving the activities of the center of Islamic civilization in Uzbekistan was signed.

Based on the decree, the Center of Islamic Civilization will become a scientific-educational center:

  • Widely promoting the idea of “Third Renaissance – New Uzbekistan”;
  • Studying the achievements of the period of a new revival of the country’s history on a scientific basis and transmitting them to the general public;
  • Propagating samples of material-cultural heritage, ancient and rich traditions associated with the Islamic religion.

The Center’s main updated tasks are as follows:

  • Scientific research of the rich heritage associated with the sacred Islamic religion, promotion of its role in the development of Central Asian civilization by innovative methods;
  • Taking the necessary measures to transfer to the population of the country, especially the youth, the roots and essence of the national revival of Uzbekistan, the historical renaissance;
  • Highlighting the contribution of great ancestors to the development of world civilization, religious and secular teachings using the most modern methods and means;
  • Preparation of media products, scientific developments and recommendations aimed at broadly promoting the essence of harmony between nationality and religiosity, calling on young people to science and education;
  • Training of guides-translators with sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the scientific foundations of pilgrim tourism, and ensuring systematic improvement of their qualifications;
  • Formation of a rich system of libraries, consisting of a substantial fund of exhibits, manuscripts and modern publications, demonstrating the intensive development of science;
  • Development of fundamental research programs and scientific projects on the contribution of the people of Uzbekistan to Islamic civilization, and support for their implementation;
  • Regular organization of conferences, symposia, exhibitions and scientific lectures, training-seminars, competitions and other cultural-educational events dedicated to topical scientific-theoretical and methodological issues in the field of research of Islamic civilization;
  • Notifying the scientific community about the results of new research carried out in the direction of Islamic civilization, conducting scientific-practical and methodological trainings to increase the professional potential of workers in museums and libraries of the republic;
  • Increasing knowledge in the direction of the history and culture of Islam, restoration of ancient manuscripts and lithographs, restoration of the art of papermaking, book printing, bookbinding, calligraphy, organization of training courses on the study of Islamic sources;
  • Widespread propaganda among the public of the essence of the idea of “Third Renaissance – New Uzbekistan”, including its role and essence in the development of science, ensuring interreligious and interethnic tolerance.

The “Roadmap” was approved for the study of the scientific heritage of the ancestors who contributed to the development of world science and civilization, as well as the promotion of the achievements of the period of a new revival.

The followings will be formed at the center:

  • Development Fund for the Center of Islamic Civilization of Uzbekistan without the status of a legal entity;
  • Workshop-laboratory for the restoration of the ancient traditions of making Samarkand paper, bookbinding and calligraphy;
  • An expert commission on the formation of the fund of museum expositions and the center’s library, analysis, selection, determination of the uniqueness and assessment of manuscripts, lithographs, printed works, historical documents purchased from the population;
  • Advanced training and retraining courses for guides in the direction of Islamic civilization and pilgrimage tourism.

The Center and Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Reikhan Beruni of the Academy of Sciences have been designated as responsible state institutions for centralized storage, research, and regular monitoring of the state of historical written sources.

Within a month, the Center will form a list of ancient manuscripts and lithographs of all museums, libraries, archival funds under the jurisdiction of the state and other state institutions.

Historical written sources from the list will gradually come under the Center’s jurisdiction.

Measures will be taken to digitize manuscripts and lithographs, historical artifacts and documents, archaeological finds stored in the library, archive and museum within the Center.

A mobile application will be launched, displaying all digitized data. Integration of data exchange between the official website of the Center, database and mobile application will be ensured.

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