10:47 / 02.11.2021

Uzbekistan increases passenger car exports, mainly to Kazakhstan

In January-September 2021, Uzbekistan exported 25,171 cars for $242.5 million, the State Statistics Committee reported.

Export of passenger cars increased by 14,036 units compared to the same period last year, the committee noted.

Major importers of Uzbek made cars during the reporting period:

Kazakhstan – 24,137
Ukraine – 448
Russia – 320
Afghanistan – 128
Tajikistan – 64
Azerbaijan – 37
Kyrgyzstan – 30

In the first 9 months of 2021, Uzbekistan imported 18,150 cars from foreign countries.

Also, during the reporting period, 558 electric vehicles were imported to Uzbekistan. This is 7 times more than in the first 9 months of 2020 – then only 82 units of electric cars were imported into the country.

In total, since the beginning of the year, Uzbeks have purchased electric vehicles worth $10.5 million. The bulk of imports came from China – 499 units, followed by Turkey (24 cars) and Lithuania (13 cars).

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