11:54 / 14.12.2021

COVID-19 update: Daily cases drop to 136, lowest in months

On December 13, 136 people were diagnosed with coronavirus in Uzbekistan.

Photo: Kun.uz

According to the Ministry of Health, the total number of registered coronavirus cases has reached 196,094 (+136).

Reportedly, 43 COVID-19 cases were registered in the city of Tashkent, 1 – in Karakalpakstan, 12 – in Andijan, 16 – in Bukhara, 4 – in Jizzakh, 2 – in Kashkadarya, 1 – in Navoi, 5 – in Namangan, 23 – in Samarkand, 3 – in Syrdarya, 10 - in Fergana, 5 – in Khorezm and 11 – in Tashkent region.

2 COVID-19 patients died yesterday, the official death toll – 1,442.

As of December 12, the number of recovered stands at 192,841 (+164).
