13:10 / 11.02.2022

President warns several khokims of avoiding corruption and nepotism 

On February 10, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, as part of his trip to Samarkand region, held a meeting with khokims and heads of sectors.

Photo: Presidential press service

According to the press service of the head of state, the meeting, which was held in a critical spirit, considered issues of socio-economic development of cities and regions. It was indicated that signs of corruption and nepotism were revealed in the actions of several khokims.

In particular, some leaders ignored the concerns of the population. The improvement of drinking water supply, heat and electricity supply has not been ensured despite the allocation of the necessary funds.

Misuse of subsidies for the introduction of water-saving technologies was noted. The proportion of problem loans in the banks of the region has increased, cases of theft of funds intended for preferential loans have been identified. The number of traffic accidents and crimes has increased.

For irresponsible attitude to official duties, serious shortcomings and mistakes in work, the khokims of two districts, a number of heads of territorial departments were relieved of their posts. Instructions were given to eliminate shortcomings and improve the well-being of mahallas.

“We have set ourselves very high goals and the people expect practical results from us. I fired 10 executives today. From now on, the demand for non-working managers will be very tough. Everyone should learn a lesson,” the head of state said at the end of the meeting.

Thus, the trip of the head of state to the Samarkand region ended, he returned to Tashkent.
