POLITICS | 16:34 / 25.02.2022
6 min read

Uzbek intelligentsia ask Russians to stop fighting

As the bloody war between Russia and Ukraine continues, the world community, especially the intelligentsia, is making various calls to stop it.

Kun.uz correspondent was interested in the opinion of Uzbek intellectuals in this regard.

Erkin Azam, writer

- Unfortunately, the most difficult and frightening scenario in Russian-Ukrainian relations took place – the Russians started a war in Ukraine.

You know, someone who kills a person is called a murderer. So who can be called the ones who invaded Ukraine and killed hundreds of people?

Putin’s Russia will remain in the history of mankind as an invader. That’s what Vladimir Putin wanted. He has broken into the house of his neighbor, the brotherly people, and is killing the innocent.

Here, when sovereign Ukraine chose Europe, it had to be understood correctly. The Ukrainians wanted to be independent of their own free will. The Russian government did not want that.

This disgusting war has tarnished the faces of Russia and the Russian people for a lifetime.

Fakhriyor, poet

This is a war against not only Ukraine, but all humanity. Putin is not really afraid of NATO, but of the democracy that stands by it, because democracy does not allow authoritarianism to keep an individual in power for more than 20 years.

Unfortunately, the trustworthy West has also left Ukraine alone...

This war should be a lesson to all of us. We need to be able to calculate everything correctly, to be vigilant. If Ukraine cannot withstand the onslaught of the invaders, no other former Soviet country can resist them. We therefore wish the Ukrainian brothers strength in the fight against the neo-imperialists.

We are with the Ukrainian people and sympathize with them. In this war, our future will also be decided.

Ulugbek Khamdam, writer

- This invasion is the result of excessive transfer of power in the government to one person.

Normal authorities should never give a person so much power. This should be a lesson to all authorities.

I ask God to decide justice and preserve the sovereignty of Ukraine. Ukraine is an indivisible state, and Ukrainians are a proud people.

Karim Bakhriyev, journalist

- Those who started such wars will never take part in it. Only young people will take part in it and the blood of civilians will be shed.

The war started by Russia is not a reality of the 21st century, it is a medieval invasion and medieval morality under Putin.

He claims to have entered Ukraine for genocide and language segregation, but even if so, such issues should have been resolved through UN law, international norms, not by invasion and bloodshed.

This war is a disgrace to the Russian statehood and the Russian people. Stop the massacre against Ukraine.

Rakhimjon Rakhmat, writer

- Ukraine has so far achieved the highest level of development among the former Soviet states. It was a state that sought to pursue an independent policy and live far from Putin’s imperialist ideas.

Putin’s imperialist “appetite” is growing. This should be a signal to all.

Unfortunately, I do not believe it, but I wish Ukraine success in the war.

Botirjon Ergashev, poet

- There have never been winners in any war.

Now innocent people are dying in Ukraine. During the day, children send me videos of mothers crying and watching them makes my heart beat faster as a father and first of all as a human being.

I want the war to end soon. I wish the people of Ukraine patience, perseverance and pride.

Kazakboy Yuldashev, Doctor of Philology

This war started by Russia against Ukraine has exposed the extremely disgusting face of Russia. This is spitting on the whole world. Putin is behaving like a street hooligan, not a head of state. He has completely forgotten his responsibilities.

This is not the job of a normal government in today’s world. The Russian nation must come out with a demand to stop this war. That’s what they have to do. Please stop the war. If you don’t stop it now, history will never forgive you as a nation.

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