BUSINESS | 17:13 / 28.07.2022
3 min read

Tax benefits worth 2.1 trillion soums granted based on “unwritten” rules outside the Tax Code over 6 months

In the first half of 2022, 22.5 trillion soums of uncollected taxes from legal entities were based on the Tax Code, and 2.1 trillion soums on benefits granted by other documents. The STC has provided some statistics on tax benefits.

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The Tax Committee provided some information on the use of benefits through the E-imtiyoz information system.

In 6 months of 2022, legal entities used 24.6 trillion soums of tax benefits in 75 thousand cases. Of this, 8.5 trillion soums are related to the application of the zero rate of VAT.

Tax benefits according to regulatory legal documents:

•  in accordance with the Tax Code – 22.5 trillion soums;
•  according to the law, presidential decrees, decisions, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers and other documents – 2.1 trillion soums were used.

By the category of tax types:

•  the most used benefit is 22.4 trillion soums (91.1%) for VAT
•  other types of taxes were used in the amount of 2.2 trillion soums (8.9%).

In terms of regions:

18 trillion soums of the total amount of benefits were used by the enterprises of the interregional state tax inspection for large taxpayers. The remaining 6.6 trillion soums of the privilege have been allocated to other regions of the republic.

Most of the enterprises that took advantage of the benefits are located in the city of Tashkent – 11,286 enterprises received benefits worth 3.2 trillion soums.

Grand Pharm Trade is the leader in the list of enterprises with the most tax benefits in addition to the application of VAT at a zero rate. It received 308.4 billion soums of benefits in six months. Also, Meros Pharm LLC used benefits worth 192.3 billion soums, Farm Lux Invest – 87.1 billion soums.

In addition, in the top 10 companies that used the tax incentives the most, the main part of the incentives was the application of the zero rate of VAT. The first place in the list was taken by the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine with 4.3 trillion soums of tax benefits, followed by Almalyk MMC with 1.8 trillion soums and Uzmilliybank with 1.2 trillion soums of benefits.

In the 6 months of this year, the most tax benefits were provided on VAT (22 trillion soums), profit tax (583.5 trillion) and property tax (544.7 trillion).

Earlier, the State Tax Committee announced that in 2021, a total of 316.2 billion soums worth of tax benefits were applied on 15 documents of an individual nature, and in the first 6 months of 2022, a total of 144.8 billion soums worth of benefits were applied on 10 documents.

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