11:35 / 20.08.2022

Gov’t announces a competition for privatization of Uzbekistan Airways

The State Asset Management Agency has announced a competition for selection of a professional consulting company to develop a strategy for privatization of Uzbekistan Airways JSC in accordance with the relevant privatization programs.

Photo: Kun.uz

It is noted that privatization of assets in the civil aviation network of Uzbekistan is aimed at achieving the following goals:

ꞏ development of competition in the network and reduction of state participation in it;
ꞏ increasing the efficiency of use of natural, financial, technical and labor resources;
ꞏ increasing the volume of attracting private investments for development of the sector.

The company is the absolute legal successor of the service mark and trademark of the national airline “O’zbekiston havo yo’llari”.

Uzbekistan Airways provides services for the transportation of passengers and any type of mail by aircraft in accordance with the regulations of Uzbekistan’s aviation and international regulations.

Uzbekistan Airways regularly operates flights to more than 50 destinations in Europe, Asia and North America. The representative offices of the airline operate in more than 20 cities.

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