BUSINESS | 16:55 / 25.08.2022
2 min read

South Korea to help Uzbekistan cultivate strawberries all year round

The Ministry of Agriculture hosted a meeting with representatives of the Korean Rural Community Corporation (KRC), the Korea Agency for Education, Promotion and Information Service in the field of food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries (EPIS).

The parties discussed the development of cooperation within the framework of existing and planned joint projects.

Photo: Ministry of Agriculture

During the meeting, an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and EPIS on the launch of a new project – “Introduction of modern Korean technologies for year-round cultivation of strawberries” at the expense of grant funds from the government of the Republic of Korea provided through official development assistance (ODA).

The $3.7 million project will be completed by December 2026.

Photo: Ministry of Agriculture

To this end, a modern greenhouse for growing strawberries will be built in the Yukorichirchik district on the territory of the Tashkent Regional Center for Agro-Services under the Ministry of Agriculture. In addition, Korean specialists will build and equip a seedling greenhouse and an In vitro laboratory for the production of high-quality strawberry seedlings.

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