SOCIETY | 18:59 / 10.10.2022
2 min read

Four people die from alcohol poisoning in Tashkent over two days

All incidents occurred on the territory of Yashnabad district.

Фото: KUN.UZ

In the Yashnabad district of Tashkent, four citizens died after drinking alcohol, the PGO press secretary Khayot Shamsutdinov reported. 

On October 8, citizen Ya.R. (born in 1986) was taken to the hospital, where he died with a diagnosis of “coma of unknown etiology”. 

Also citizens I.Ch. (born 1980), V.L. (born in 1957) and T.D. (born in 1966) were taken to a medical facility on October 9, where they died, despite the medical assistance provided.

On the same day, October 9, T.G. (born in 1989) had a sign of acute poisoning, he was also diagnosed with “coma of unclear etiology”. 

A criminal case has been initiated under Paragraph “a” of Article 186-4 (Production, storage, transportation for the purpose of selling products, performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in human casualties) of the Criminal Code. A preliminary investigation is underway.

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