POLITICS | 13:38 / 26.11.2022
1 min read

Daily COVID-19 cases exceed 100 in Uzbekistan

For the first time since June, the daily increase in coronavirus cases in Uzbekistan exceeded 100. The infection was detected in 12 regions of the country.

According to the Ministry of Health, on November 25, COVID-19 was confirmed in 124 people throughout the republic.

In particular, 80 people tested positive for coronavirus in the city of Tashkent, 1 – in Karakalpakstan, 6 – in Bukhara, 3 – in Jizzakh, 9 – in Namangan, 8 – in Samarkand, 1 – in Syrdarya, 1 – in Surkhandarya, 3 – in Fergana, 1 – in Khorezm and 8 – in Tashkent region.

On November 24, the country registered 95 cases, the day before – 98.

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