SOCIETY | 15:48 / 06.12.2022
1 min read

Uzbekistan registered more than 34 thousand marriages in November

In November 2022, 34,735 marriages were registered in Uzbekistan.

According to the State Statistics Committee, the figure increased by 309 compared to the same period last year.

The number of marriages registered by region:

- Karakalpakstan R. – 1,357
- Andijan region – 3,396
- Bukhara region – 1,776
- Jizzakh region – 1,463
- Kashkadarya region – 4,188
- Navoi region – 712 
- Namangan region – 2,986
- Samarkand region – 4,196
- Surkhandarya region – 3,593
- Syrdarya region – 874 
- Tashkent region – 2,360
- Fergana region – 3,864
- Khorezm region – 1,875
- Tashkent city – 2,095

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