09:14 / 28.12.2022

SSS arrests suspects dealing with “Dok-1 Maks” drug

The State Security Service opened a criminal case regarding the events related to the “Dok-1 Maks” drug, which resulted in the death of 18 children.

Photo: Frame from video

It is noted that this drug belonging to India’s Marion Biotech Pvt. Ltd. was put on sale in our country by “Quramax Medical” LLC.

The drug was improperly used at home as an anti-cold to children without a doctor’s prescription.

According to laboratory studies conducted by the Ministry of Health, the “ethylene glycol” substance contained in this syrup causes serious negative changes in the patient’s health.

According to the conclusion of the State Center for Expertise and Standardization of Medicines, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment of the Agency for Developing Pharmaceutical Network, “Dok-1 Maks” syrup does not meet the requirements specified in the regulatory document.

In connection with this situation, a criminal case was initiated against officials of “Quramax Medical” LLC and “Scientific Center for Standardization of Medicines” LLC by the SSS Investigation Department, and the suspects were placed in the investigative detention center of the State Security Service.

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