POLITICS | 15:23 / 03.02.2023
3 min read

Electronic bracelets that monitor parolees being tested in three regions 

Disadvantages related to wearing the device, side effects of the e-bracelet on health, and other deficiencies identified during the test are being eliminated.

In the draft of the presidential decree published in 2021, for the first time, the practice of transferring convicts sentenced to deprivation of liberty and going on the path of strict recovery to the destination-colony is canceled. It was said that they will be placed under probation supervision on the basis of conditional release, and the procedure for real-time electronic monitoring of the behavior of persons under such supervision will be introduced through an e-bracelet.

The Probation Service of the MIA Public Security Department informed Kun.uz that In the government decision of October 15, 2021 “On measures for the widespread introduction of modern information technologies in the activities of internal affairs bodies”, the task of “introducing the practice of using an e-bracelet” to monitor the behavior of persons under the control of the probation service was assigned.

It is noted that the Center for Scientific and Practical Research of Public Security Issues has developed an e-bracelet and software for the use of this tool for remote control of a person sentenced to a punishment in the form of restriction of liberty. E-bracelets have been introduced in Syrdarya, Namangan and Jizzakh regions, and are being tested by internal affairs bodies at the expense of probation units, taking into account the different geographical locations of the places of residence of persons serving prison sentences, and mobile communication companies operating actively in the regions.

“According to the results of the testing of the electronic device, the inconveniences associated with wearing it, its adverse effects on health and other technical conditions of the prisoners are being eliminated.

The use of an electronic bracelet for remote control of persons sentenced to a sentence of restriction of liberty will be fully tested and put into practice in all regions of our republic in cooperation with the Center for Scientific and Practical Research of Public Safety Issues and the Probation Service,” the department said in its official statement.

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