SOCIETY | 18:35 / 03.03.2023
3 min read

Uztransgaz denies rumors that Uzbekistan is preparing infrastructure for gas imports from Russia

Photo: Uztransgaz

Earlier, information was circulated on social networks that Uzbekistan was preparing infrastructure for gas supplies from Russia, and the Gazli Department of Main Gas Pipelines was carrying out the necessary installation work on internal communications and main gas pipelines.

The media, citing an Uztransgaz video, reported that the company is preparing its infrastructure for gas imports from Russia.

The energy company clarified that the work is being done to prepare the infrastructure so that gas imported from Russia does not mix with the volumes of domestic transportation.

“Separate transportation will be organized for each direction,” the report reads.

However, later the Uztransgaz press service corrected its statement.

“We inform you that the material published on March 3, 2023 on the Uztransgaz JSC page in Telegram and Facebook contained false information. The installation work by the Gazli Department of main gas pipelines, which is carried out through internal communications and main gas pipelines, is not related to gas imports from Russia,” the JSC said.

The company emphasized that the ongoing preventive measures and welding work are aimed at improving the efficiency of gas supply to consumers in the southern regions of the republic.

Earlier, it was reported that gas imports to Uzbekistan from Russia, previously scheduled from March 1, had not started.

According to the data provided by the Energy Ministry for, there is still no specific agreement, additional study is ongoing.

“Therefore, the import of natural gas from Russia to Uzbekistan has not been started. An additional study is ongoing these days” the ministry said.

It should be recalled that the Ministry of Energy and Gazprom signed a “roadmap” for gas cooperation on January 24. According to the document, both sides were to discuss the technical and financial aspects of gas supplies, and if an agreement is reached, from March 1, gas supplies through the CAC gas pipeline will begin.

Energy Minister Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov said that the country is not going to hand over its energy networks to anyone.

“We will never risk our national interests. It is only about commercial agreements to buy and sell. We will not allow any political conditions here,” Mirzamakhmudov said.

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