POLITICS | 15:37 / 06.04.2023
2 min read

Traffic speed limited to 60 km/h in all cities of Uzbekistan

Based on the change in the traffic rules, starting from April 5, the maximum permitted speed of vehicles in all cities of Uzbekistan was reduced from 70 km/h to 60 km/h.

Photo: Kun.uz

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on April 3, a change was made to the Traffic Rules.

Clause 78 of the Rules is amended as follows:

“In the cities of Nukus and Tashkent, in the centers of regions and districts, as well as in urban areas, the speed of vehicles is allowed not to exceed 60 kilometers per hour”.

According to the previous rule, the maximum speed for cars in residential areas was 70 km/h.

Public activists are saying that this speed is too high for populated areas, speed has a role in the excessive number of accidents and deaths due to it, and the maximum speed in cities is limited to 60, 50, even 30-40 km/h in world experience.

Officials have been talking about lowering the speed limit for several years, but it hasn’t not been implemented. Finally, it was included in the 2023 state program. Starting from April 1, the speed limit was set to 60 km/h in the cities of Nukus and Tashkent, as well as in the centers of regions and districts. It is worth noting that with the change in the traffic rules, the permitted speed has been reduced not only in the main cities, but in all the cities of the republic.

The traffic safety service has not yet provided information on whether or when radars and cameras in cities will start recording violations under the new requirement.

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