17:35 / 19.05.2023

SSS prevents circulation of counterfeit US dollars in Tashkent

The State Security Service stopped the circulation of nearly 111,000 counterfeit US dollars in Tashkent, the SSS reported. 

An operative event was held in Sergeli district by employees of the Tashkent city SSS Department in cooperation with the PGO Department.

In it, 4 citizens (born between 1974 and 1982) were caught with material evidence when they sold 100,000 counterfeit US dollars for $70,000.

Also, 10,950 counterfeit US dollars were seized from the apartment of one of the detainees.

Currently, a criminal case has been initiated against these persons under Paragraph "v", Article 176-2 of the Criminal Code. Investigative efforts are being continued.

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