17:05 / 20.05.2023

Uzbekistan and Singapore begin exchanging intelligence on transnational crimes

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, Pulat Bobojonov, held a meeting with the Minister of Internal Affairs and Justice of Singapore, Kasiviswanathan Shanmugam, who was visiting Tashkent to participate in the 3rd international forum “Tashkent law spring”.

Photo: Dunyo news agency

The parties discussed today’s various dangers and threats, issues of combating international terrorism and extremism, human trafficking, drug addiction and other types of transnational crimes, as well as deepening cooperation and sharing experience.

Singapore today consistently ranks high in a number of international rankings of the rule of law and public trust in the police. Also, Singaporean experience in the field of information technology, especially modern information security, is recognized by the world community.

Based on this, the parties agreed to establish a permanent dialogue and exchange of experience between the ministries of the two countries, to exchange rapid information on transnational crimes, to regularly create conditions for the professional development of specialists in the field, and to organize educational courses and trainings on effective methods of combating cybercrimes.
