SOCIETY | 17:08 / 11.09.2023
3 min read

Uzbekistan plans to introduce social standards for electricity in 2024

Raising tariffs while disruptions continue will cause dissatisfaction, the head of the Ministry of Energy noted.

Photo: Ministry of Energy

Energy Minister Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov commented on the expected increase in electricity and gas tariffs, UzA reports.

The official confirmed that the government now intends to raise prices only for businesses, but not for household consumers. He also pointed out the importance of ensuring uninterrupted power supply to the population.

Raising prices while power outages persist will cause discontent among the population, the head of the Ministry of Energy emphasized. The department is now working to increase energy generation and modernize networks.

“If we can ensure a stable power supply, we plan to submit to the government a draft of differentiated electricity tariffs for the population from May 1, 2024. But this does not mean that prices will rise from the same day,” Mirzamakhmudov said.

With a differentiated tariff, a social consumption norm will be introduced. This means that for households that use large amounts of energy – with a sauna, a swimming pool, large quantities of household appliances – the bill will be higher.

According to the ministry, at the moment only 15% of the population uses more than 300 kWh of electricity per month. Three-quarters of households’ monthly consumption does not exceed 200 kWh.

The previous attempt to raise tariffs for electricity, natural and liquefied gas was made in May 2022. The draft resolution provided for the introduction of social standards for household consumers with an increase in fees if they were exceeded.

After numerous negative comments, the project was sent for further study. As a result, the increase in tariffs for citizens was first excluded from the resolution, and then the Cabinet of Ministers ordered to postpone the increase in prices for legal entities.

In his December address to the Oliy Majlis, Shavkat Mirziyoyev pointed out the need to liberalize the energy sector. At the same time, he noted the importance of providing support to citizens in need and an approach to payments based on consumption volume.

In March, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economy and Finance Dilshod Sultonov said that the government does not plan to increase electricity tariffs for citizens in 2023. At the same time, the introduction of social consumption standards is being considered.

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