SOCIETY | 17:43 / 16.10.2023
2 min read

Bill: The punishment of individuals who committed extremely dangerous crimes will no longer be reduced

It is stipulated in the Criminal Code that the provision of a lighter sentence shall not be applied to extremely dangerous recidivists.

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The bill on amendments and additions to the Criminal Code was discussed.

According to the project, recidivism is considered one of the most dangerous types of crime, taking into account the fact that persons with the status of extremely dangerous recidivists have a negative effect on minors (who are often easily influenced), The criminal code prohibits the imposition of less than the minimum punishment or other lighter type of punishment in relation to extremely dangerous recidivists.

In particular, paragraph 4 was added to Article 57 of the Criminal Code (imposing a lighter sentence), according to which it is envisaged that the provisions of the article will not be applied to extremely dangerous recidivists.

The discussion process of the draft law will continue until October 27.

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