SOCIETY | 19:52 / 20.12.2023
2 min read

Period of considering the mass media registration application to be reduced to 10 days

Senators approved changes to the legislation that would cut red tape, cut fees for public services and shorten the time it takes to process appeals.

At the Senate session, the law “On amendments and additions to some legal documents in connection with the improvement of the state service delivery system, protection of the rights and legal interests of business entities” was approved.

Amendments are being made to the Law “On the mass media” to reduce the period of consideration of the application for registration of a mass media by the registering body from 15 to 10 days, and to the Law “On advocacy” to reduce the period of issuing a certificate to a lawyer.

Also, amendments and additions are introduced by the law, which provide for the cancellation of the requirement to submit copies of payment documents for the payment of state duties, fees or other fees for consideration of appeals of citizens and legal entities, state bodies and other organizations or for state registration.

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