POLITICS | 15:25 / 27.02.2024
3 min read

“Milliy tiklanish” party proposes issuing a protection warrant to children

Bullying is also recognized as one of the forms of violence against children in Uzbekistan. Children will also be granted a protection order.

Photo: Oliy Majlis Legislative Chamber

The draft law “On protection of children from all forms of violence” was discussed at the meeting of the faction of the “Milliy tiklanish” democratic party in the Legislative Chamber.

Based on the international demand and the problems in the application of the law, this draft law proposes to clearly define six types of child abuse. These include physical, sexual and psychological abuse as well as neglect, exploitation and the now widespread bullying.

Practice shows that child abuse is mainly fought by law enforcement agencies, and this does not give the expected result. That is, at the level of the law, there is no single state body that deals with this. Therefore, the Social Protection Agency is designated as responsible for the work in this regard.

The agency also ensures the operation of a 24/7 toll-free telephone line network throughout Uzbekistan for the purpose of providing assistance and counseling to victims of violence. Nine more state bodies deal with these cases. The National Children’s Commission coordinates all work.

A new institution is being introduced for the first time with this draft law. That is, now it is proposed to issue a protection warrant to children as well. The order is issued by the authorized body to the legal representative of the victim of violence or to another person who took the child into his care and to the victim of violence.

The National Agency for Social Protection evaluates the situation within 24 hours of receiving information about the situation and issues or rejects a protection warrant based on the results. At the same time, an institute for working with families who have committed violence is also being introduced.

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