SOCIETY | 15:03 / 14.03.2024
2 min read

Administrative Code’s fire safety-related part amended

The amount of fines for violations of fire safety in forests has been significantly increased, and administrative liability for fires without injuries or damage to other people's property has been abolished.

Photo: Getty Images

By the law signed by the president (ZRU-919 dated April 13, 2024), additions and changes were made to the Administrative Responsibility Code.

According to the changes, violation of fire safety requirements in forests, if it leads to a fire, entails the following fines:

for citizens from 10 to 15 BCAs (from 3 million 400 thousand to 5 million 100 thousand soums) (previously from 3 to 5 BCAs);
for officials from 20 to 25 BCAs (from 6 million 800 thousand to 8 million 500 thousand soums) (previously from 10 to 15 BCAs).

Also, if a fire in a residential building occurred due to a person’s negligence or violation of fire safety rules, in a manner not related to harm to human health or damage to or destruction of other people’s property, this person is subject to exemption from administrative liability for violation of fire safety rules.

The law will come into force 3 months after its official publication.

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