SOCIETY | 15:16 / 29.03.2024
2 min read

Construction violators to face stricter penalties under new bill

Along with fines, violators could face up to 3 years of imprisonment.


On March 26, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis began considering a bill that tightens sanctions for urban planning violations, the press service of the lower chamber reported.

The document introduces amendments to the Administrative Responsibility Code, the Criminal Code, and the Criminal Procedure Code. The aim is to strengthen accountability for increasing the seismic resistance of both buildings under construction and those being reconstructed.

To prevent corruption in inspections and courts, it is proposed to eliminate the range of administrative fines for violations of urban planning norms. Instead, a single fine amount will be introduced.

Article 229−3 of the Criminal Code will also be amended. Criminal liability is established for unauthorized construction that is contrary to master plans, violations of the rules for commissioning facilities, and the demolition of structures in basements and on the first floors of apartment buildings.

Additionally, the sanctions under this article will be expanded. Alongside fines, community service, and correctional labor, restrictions or deprivation of liberty may be applied to the violator.

For repeated offenses, the term of restriction or imprisonment can be up to 3 years. If the violation resulted in human casualties or other severe consequences, the maximum term can be 5 years.

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