14:33 / 22.04.2024

Uzbekistan to exchange experience and experts with biocenters of South Korea

With the support of the Embassy of Uzbekistan, a working visit to South Korea was organized for a delegation of our country led by the director of the Agency for Developing Pharmaceutical Network, Abdulla Azizov.

Photo: Dunyo news agency

During the trip, the delegation of Uzbekistan held negotiations with the development department of the industrial zone “Pangyo Techno Valley” and the management of the development of the biocenter “Gyeonggi Bio Center”.

During the negotiations, members of the delegation were told in detail about the history of the creation of these production and scientific areas. It was noted that they are subsidized by the South Korean government.

The parties also discussed many promising areas of cooperation. In particular, an agreement was reached on the exchange of experience and personnel between the research institutes of the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Network, higher educational institutions in the field of pharmaceuticals in Uzbekistan and the innovative research and production cluster “Toshkent Farma Park” and the biocenter “Gyeonggi Bio Center”.

The South Korean side expressed interest in developing cooperation with Uzbekistan in the field of scientific research and expressed its readiness to provide practical assistance in organizing the training of Uzbek scientists in biotechnology centers of Korea.

The Pangyo Techno Valley industrial zone was created in 2005 on an area of 662 thousand square meters at the initiative of the Korean Government. Today, the biotech zone has 1,622 companies operating in the fields of ICT, biotechnology and nanotechnology development.

The Gyeonggi Bio Center was created in 2007 on an area of 32 thousand square meters on the initiative of the leadership of Gyeonggi Province. This center specializes in the implementation of investment and start-up projects in the field of biotechnology. Today there are 24 enterprises in the center that provide employment to 50 thousand workers.

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