POLITICS | 13:49 / 06.06.2024
2 min read

Mirziyoyev signs a law on conflict of interest

Photo: Presidential press service

On June 5, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Law “On conflict of interest”, approved by the Senate in the summer of 2023, the press service of the Ministry of Justice reports

The law applies to state bodies and local government bodies, state institutions, state unitary enterprises, state trust funds, as well as joint-stock companies with a state share in their authorized capital of 50% or more.

The law introduced such basic concepts as an employee of a government body or other organization, conflict of interest, a special unit for resolving conflicts of interest, personal interest, close relatives.

The Anti-Corruption Agency is designated as the authorized body for regulating relations related to conflicts of interest. Monitoring compliance by employees with the law will be carried out by an ethics commission created in this organization.

If a conflict of interest arises, civil servants must immediately inform their supervisor or special unit before making a decision and not force subordinates to take actions or inactions that pursue personal interests.

Associated persons of an official must complete a declaration of potential conflicts of interest electronically or in writing, without including any false information.

The Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis approved the law on conflict of interest on October 25, 2022, and the Senate on June 1, 2023. Thus, it took more than one year for the president to sign the law.

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