POLITICS | 10:06 / 23.02.2023
2 min read

Uzbekistan bans hotels from requiring marriage certificates 

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures to create favorable conditions for the development and rehabilitation of the tourism sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the regulation “On the procedure for providing accommodation services on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was approved, the press service of the SUE “Certification Center for Tourist Services” reported. 

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According to paragraph 5 of the above document, hotel services should be provided regardless of the place of permanent residence, citizenship, family and marriage relations of individuals, as well as other factors that limit the right to privacy. 

It is noted that business entities providing hotel services should develop internal regulations. However, the developed internal regulations should not contradict the requirements of the above provision. 

In addition, by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated June 19, 2017, the new type of national driver’s license was given the status of an official state identity document. 

In this regard, hotels and other accommodation facilities are not entitled to refuse to provide hotel services upon presentation of a new national driver's license, referring to the lack of a passport. 

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