SOCIETY | 17:20 / 25.10.2018
2 min read

Citizens of Uzbekistan are now free to work in Tashkent without having to obtain a permanent residence permit

In Tashkent, a regular plenary session of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis took place, correspondent reports.

The deputies reviewed the draft law “On amendments and modifications to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan” submitted to the House by the Ministry of Justice.

“Today, acts of legislation, in relation to the citizens of Uzbekistan who do not have a permanent residence permit in Tashkent and Tashkent region, have a number of restrictions associated with residing and employment in these territories. Non-compliance with the above restrictions is a base for attracting citizens and officials to administrative responsibility,” the members of the lower chamber of the parliament noted.

This draft law aims to eliminate the above restrictions and is developed in order to ensure the realization of the constitutional rights of citizens to free choice of work, free movement in the territory of the republic and other rights related to obtaining a passport, education and employment. Deputies reviewed the bill in detail and passed it.

Now the document will be sent to the Senate for approval and then to the President for signing.

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