SOCIETY | 21:01 / 28.01.2019
4 min read

“The unemployment rate in Uzbekistan was at 9,3% in 2018” – Ministry of Labor

In 2018, the unemployment rate in Uzbekistan was recorded at 9,3%, correspondent reported referring to the data of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations.

In January 2019, the Republican Scientific Center for employment of citizens and labor protection under the Ministry conducted a large-scale sociological survey in 66 cities and districts of the republic. It covered 330 neighborhoods, 3,300 households and 17,392 citizens.

In accordance with the results of the survey, the unemployment rate was 9,3% of the economically active population, which is higher by 0,3% compared to the same period a year earlier (9,0%).

The highest unemployment rate was recorded in Kashkadarya, Samarkand, Syrdarya and Fergana regions, amounting to 9,7%, the lowest – in Tashkent (7,9%). The number of people in need of employment amounted to 1 368,6 thousand people.

The unemployment rate among young people (under 30) was 15,1%, among those aged 16–25 years - 17,0% and among females - 12,9%.

“It should be taken into account that an increase in unemployment rate compared to the same period of 2017 (3,5%) is not associated with a sharp growth in unemployment, but with the improvement of the accounting methodology for the unemployed population, which made it possible to take full account of those who need employment,” the ministry added.

The number of labor resources amounted to 18,8 million people. The number of economically active population reached 14,6 million people and the economically inactive population – 4,1 million.

The number of people employed in industries has reached 13,2 million people, in the official sector of the economy – 5,4 million people.

Improving the methodology of household surveys made it possible to determine more reliable indicators of employment in the informal sector – 7,8 million people. (59,3% of the total number of employed), 1,6 million of whom were employed in temporary one-time and seasonal works, and 2,3 million people who left for work outside the republic.

In January-December 2018, 626,480 persons (245,225 of whom were young people between 16-30 years old) applied for employment, of which 255,539 were employed, 355,869 were sent to public works, professional retraining – 20,543 and unemployment benefit was assigned to 14,477 persons.

The Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations continues to conduct regular surveys in the labor market to carry out a comprehensive analysis, qualitative and objective assessment of the quantity and quality of labor resources, as well as effectiveness of measures to ensure employment of the population.

For information, in December 2018, a survey was conducted to study labor migration issues. Its results will be presented in February 2019.

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