SOCIETY | 17:59 / 20.02.2019
8 min read

Subsequent fate of the treasure found in Tashkent: All findings are kept under the state protection and more findings will be discovered soon

Earlier this year, reported about an ancient treasure in Tashkent. Reportedly, the treasure was buried 80 years ago and was found during searches in the hidden underpass of one of the buildings built in the XIX century. Its current value was estimated as much as $1 million.

After that, the topic was also covered in dozens of other websites. Someone spoke about a value of the treasure and someone was interested in the found place. There were also those who were uncertain about the findings. correspondent visited the History Museum of the National University of Uzbekistan in order to further clarify this issue and had an interview with a museum researcher Mukhammadbobur Yusupov.

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- I have been working in this university for 3 years. I've been collecting archives, photographs and video materials. I've learned a lot from senior scholars.

It is known that in the 30s of the last century our university had a very tough time. Intellectuals were repressed and this continued until the 50s. At that time, the university staff had gathered a great deal of treasure. These are items from the legendary train arriving in Tashkent in 1920, the Turkistan Institute of Oriental Studies, the Turkistan Teachers Seminar, things from the prince Romanov’s palace and the unique collections lost from museum house of General Jorabek. Last time, our teachers saw these rare items in 1949.

It was equal to a death to speak about existence of such things at that time. Usually, those who knew such a secret were condemn to death or were sent into exile. Most people knew that the treasure was buried. But nobody has been able to find them so far. We learned about an approximate location of it from our teachers and started the search.

As a result of searches, two safes were found. In fact, there were three safes by 1958. These safes were made in 1857 in Moscow. They served to store more than 10 units of gold bullion bricks, golden coins of Russian kings in the amount of 6,000 rubles and more than 5 kilograms of dishes made from pure platinum and pure silver. In addition, there are unique pieces of Turkistan Oriental Institute in this building.

- How many pieces of valuables have been found and what else is expected in future?

- We cannot provide accurate information about things that have not yet been found, but I suppose that these items we have found are 1/10 of the lost treasure. This is just an initial step. We are close to the finish. The biggest findings are underground in the lower part of the building. To reach is a problematic situation. Many organizations offer us suggestions. However, our university has 100 years of history and owns mature scholars in all directions. At the same time, we have a group of scientists who witnessed this lost treasure.

We cannot call their full names for their safety. But after completing the study of this treasure, we would like to hold a press conference. It is a good idea to give the most accurate information and other details. Nowadays, the value of these findings has been increasing – what we say today is different tomorrow. This can make people doubtful. Better we wait for now and we'll give you more details at the end.

- What about the items in our previous article, which led to various discussions?

- I found those items. There have been several attempts to smuggle these findings. They have been kept in the university fund for a certain period of time. After that, in compliance with the President's instructions, they are kept in the most reliable place. There are coins of the XVI century among them. It is true that some of the gold and silver coins belong to medieval times. Moreover, a part of the rare books has been published. Their number can be much higher than we think. Senior citizens know that our university’s library had rich potential in its time. Unique manuscripts of famous scholars and saints in the Islamic world are being studied.

- What is the future fate of these findings? What do you think on this matter?

- I think that the precious metals have been transferred to the state reserve. The working group of the National University of Uzbekistan would like to have these items on the display of our historical museum. It would be a great honor for both the university and our country. Foreign tourists will visit not only our museums, but also higher educational institutions if they want to learn about the country's science and civilization. There are state museums and museums of international universities in Europe as well.

After hearing the words of the researcher, correspondent met with the university administration.

- An article was published on the findings of the university’s employee Mukhammadbobur Yusupov. Based on this material, the National University of Uzbekistan has established a working group. According to conclusions of the working group, these findings were handed over to a special place. Now, we can state that these findings are being studied by archaeologists and historians. The process is underway,” a representative of the university press service Makhliyo Mirsoatova said.

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