22:00 / 10.04.2019

Ministry of Preschool Education denies rumors about epidemic meningococcal infection at kindergartens

The Ministry of Preschool Education (MPE) of Uzbekistan has denied rumors about the epidemic meningococcal infection at kindergartens.

“Every 15-30 years there is a jump in the incidence of meningitis. In such cases, up to 30 cases of meningitis per year are recorded. Currently, there is a traditional seasonal increase in the number of cases of infection with this disease. The situation is under control, the incidence rate is below the epidemic threshold,” MPE chief epidemiologist Nurmat Atabekov said.

In order to detect meningitis at an early stage, the medical and pedagogical staff of the kindergarten was warned about the need to identify the first signs of the disease, and the educational work with parents of pupils was strengthened.

In particular, recommendations were given to nurses and doctors of preschool educational institutions at the first signs of acute respiratory viral infections, fever, severe headaches, weakness, loss of appetite and timely refer pupils to appropriate medical institutions.

“When observing the first clinical signs of ARVI, fever, severe headaches, body pains, weakness, loss of appetite, one urgently needs to consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate under no circumstances. It is recommended to be treated in a hospital: the patient should not go to work or study, visit public places and travel in transport so as not to infect others. For prevention of infectious diseases, it is important to regularly ventilate the premises and carry out wet cleaning,” chief infectiologist at the Ministry of Health, director of the research institute of virology Erkin Musaboyev said.

The Ministry of Preschool Education asks parents to timely contact medical facilities in the event of a child’s illness.

Meningococcal infection is an acute infectious disease, which is characterized by lesions of the nasal mucosa, inflammation of the pia mater, and generalized forms of meningococcal infection. Children, especially at the first year of life, are most susceptible to development of ultra-acute forms of infections.

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