18:59 / 16.04.2019

Tashkent may expand at the expense of Zangiota district territory

In accordance with a resolution of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, territories of the Zangiota district in Tashkent region and Sergeli district in Tashkent will be partially modified. This was reported by the “Yuksalish” (“Development”) national movement.

Reportedly, the village Uzgarish, which is located in Zangiota district of Tashkent region, will be transferred to the governance of Sergeli district in the city of Tashkent.

On the targeted transferring area, there are 3 municipal administrations (Pastdarkhan, Yukoridarkhon and Tashkent), totaling 428 hectares, including 111.1 hectares of agricultural land, 102.8 hectares – residential houses, 134.8 hectares – constructions, streets, buildings and squares, 78.4 hectares - water, road and other lands.

The number of population is 5,824 people. Total number of families – 893.
