18:21 / 19.04.2019

Skeleton of a young Uzbek man who was frozen to death in the desert of Kazakhstan found

Reportedly, a young man from Uzbekistan, who attempted to illegally cross the border between Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation during winter season, was frozen.  It is reported by the Ural media.

Photo: ural56.ru

On April 17, local residents in the Akbulak village of Orenburg region found a corpse of a man.  There was a passport of a 22-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan Sardor Norbaev next to it.

Photo: ural56.ru

As it turned out, the young man went missing in the winter. On February 22, 2019, his wife, Ksenia Norbaeva, posted a message on the page "Aktobe announcements".

It became known that the young man planned to cross the border from Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation illegally.  However, he was only able to reach a territory near the Akbulak village of Orenburg region and then got frozen over there.

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