SOCIETY | 21:20 / 10.05.2019
1 min read

Khokim of Bukhara region sings “Katyusha” (video)

Khokim of the Bukhara region Uktam Barnoyev in honor of May 9 sang famous Russian folk song “Katyusha”. The video on which the khokim sings “Katyusha” went viral on social networks.

The video shows how the khokim sang the song together with young people near the regional youth center.

It should be recalled that on May 9, a festive event dedicated to the Memory and Honor Day was held in the Tashkent Botanical Garden. It was attended by war and labor veterans, who arrived from the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the regions. Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated all the veterans, all our people on the Day of Memory and Honor and the 74th anniversary of the victory in World War II.

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