Law on weapons in detail

During the 20th plenary session, senators approved the law “On weapons”. After that, many citizens began to express different opinions. In general, many people are against this law.
According to the document, weapons are categorized as civilian, official and military. Individuals are allowed to use civilian weapons. These include weapons designed for hunting and sports, as well as for use in self-defense.
Civilian weapons are divided into:
1) hunting weapon:
- firearm with a rifled barrel;
- smooth-bore firearms, including with a length of the rifled part of not more than one hundred and forty millimeters;
- combined firearms (with a rifled barrel and smooth-bore), including interchangeable and supplementary rifled barrels;
- air guns with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 joules and a caliber of more than 4.5 millimeters;
- cold bladed weapons (hunting knives, hunting stilettos and daggers);
- signal weapons.
2) sporting weapons:
- firearm with a rifled barrel;
- fire smooth-bore weapons;
- cold bladed weapons (rapiers, swords and sabers);
- throwing weapons (bows, crossbows and spears);
- air guns with a muzzle energy of more than 3 joules;
- signal weapons.
3) self-defense weapon:
- gas weapons – gas cartridges, mechanical sprays, aerosol and other devices equipped with tear gas;
- electroshock devices, spark gaps and other devices, the damaging effect of which is based on the use of electrical energy.
According to the law, a gas weapon is a weapon designed to temporarily defeat a living target by using tears or irritants.
In this case, the law states that civilian firearms must exclude firing in bursts and have a magazine capacity (drum) of no more than ten rounds. The law itself notes that a firearm is a weapon designed to mechanically hit a target at a distance with a projectile that receives directional movement at the expense of the energy of a powder or other charge.
The law clearly states that weapons intended for the conduct of hostilities and the performance of official tasks, which have been adopted by security and defense agencies, as well as special services, belong to “military weapons” category.
“The order of circulation of military weapons and military supplies to it is established by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan,” the document says.
The right to acquire civilian hunting weapons and military supplies to it are citizens who have reached the age of twenty years old, and citizens who have reached the age of eighteen years have the right to acquire civilian sports and self-defense weapons.
It turns out that if a 19-year-old boy meets all the relevant requirements of the law and he has permission from the National Guard, he can carry gas weapons, electric shock devices or spark gaps, but not a pistol, submachine gun or a Kalashnikov assault rifle.
“Individuals who have the right to store and carry civil and service weapons can use weapons to protect their own lives and health, the lives and health of other citizens and property in a state of necessary defense or extreme necessity.
The use of civilian and service weapons must be preceded by a clearly expressed warning of the person against whom the weapon is used, unless such warning is impossible, or a delay in the use of weapons directly threatens the lives of citizens and the owner of the weapon or may cause other serious consequences. At the same time, the use of weapons in the state of necessary defense should not harm the third parties,” the law says.
The document also notes that the weapon’s owner of must immediately notify the internal affairs body at the place of use of the weapon about every use of civilian and service weapons that entailed harm to the lives and health of citizens.
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