BUSINESS | 20:55 / 26.07.2019
2 min read

Ministry of Energy reports on transition of enterprises to coal use

Photo: Flickr

In Uzbekistan, the work continues to transfer production of building materials and greenhouses to the use of coal as fuel.

At the end of 2018, 33% of the total volume of brick produced in Uzbekistan was made at plants that switched to using coal as a fuel instead of natural gas. During this period, 27% of the total number of greenhouses were transferred to the use of coal, the Ministry of Energy reported.

In the five months of 2019, another 94 brick enterprises were converted to coal use as an alternative fuel, 115 greenhouses made a decision and began to switch to the use of coal. In addition, one of the largest cement plants in the country transfers its production to the use of coal by 60%, aims to do necessary modernization.

It is noted that the complete completion of work on the transfer of brick producing plants and greenhouse enterprises in Uzbekistan to the coal use will allow the country to save billions of cubic meters of gas annually. Domestic producers will also achieve great effect by reducing the fuel costs.

These measures are taken in accordance with the resolution of the President of Uzbekistan “On the program of measures for further development of renewable energy, increasing energy efficiency in the sectors of economy and social sphere for 2017-2021”.

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