12:40 / 28.08.2019

Golf complex to be created in Jizzakh

Photo: Getty Images

The government of Uzbekistan adopted a decree on measures to organize the golf industry in the Jizzakh region, the Justice Ministry said.

In accordance with the decree, a golf complex will be created in Gallaaral district of the Jizzakh region, designed for professional and amateur golf tournaments.

According to the document, LLC Mirasmanda Golf Resort will be established on 200 hectares of land plot in the district.

Earlier it was reported that the Korean company Ok Jea Eun intends to build golf clubs in the Jizzakh and Tashkent regions.

The Koreans also plan to cretae a recreation area along the Chirchik River with developed infrastructure (guest houses, a football stadium, a cinema, a restaurant, etc.) with investments worth up to $10 million.

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