BUSINESS | 12:22 / 21.11.2019
3 min read

Court of Russia declares Tokhirjon Jalilov bankrupt 


The Arbitration Court of the Voronezh Oblast declared the well-known Uzbek businessman Tokhirjon Jalilov bankrupt, Kommersant writes.

Jalilov was the ex-director general of GM Uzbekistan, the former co-owner of the Voronezh based UzDaewoo showroom and the network of “Km/h” dealership centers.

The court introduced a debt restructuring procedure on the case of Jalilov. Kristina Tutova from SRO “Development” was approved as his financial manager. The court will consider the results of the businessman’s bankruptcy at a meeting on May 18, 2020.

It should be recalled that Vozrozhdenie Bank demanded bankruptcy of Tokhirjon Jalilov because of a debt of 502.99 million rubles. A bankruptcy lawsuit was filed in March 2019.

The financial problems of “Km/h” dealerships became known in 2016, when their legal entities began to receive bankruptcy claims from Investtorgbank and Vozrozhdenie Bank. The salons were selling Uz-Daewoo, Ravon, Iveco, ZAZ, Skoda and Volkswagen cars. All the showrooms acted as mutual guarantors for loans received in 2014, the debt of the main legal entities of the network in Russia exceeds 20 billion rubles.

Jalilov himself was previously detained in Uzbekistan on suspicion of corruption. However, in 2017, he was released with the removal of all charges. After that, he returned to the post of deputy chairman of the board of Uzavtosanoat, and then he became the chairman of Uzbekozikovkatkholding. The Voronezh arbitration court states that “the last known place of the businessman’s residence” is a private house in the 1st May microdistrict in the suburbs of Voronezh.

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