20:52 / 07.02.2020

Man in Namangan attempts to sell 200 units of fake hundred-dollar banknotes 

In Namangan, a crime of introducing large-scale counterfeit banknotes into circulation was suppressed, nuz.uz reports.

“A resident of the Alabuka district of Jalalabad region (the Kyrgyz Republic) M. N., born in 1987, was detained in Namangan while trying to sell 200 pieces of fake hundred-dollar banknotes, which were illegally imported into the country, for $9,000,” the report said.

The equivalent of these fake $20,000 in the national currency is over 190 million soums.

A criminal case has been opened on this fact under the relevant article of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan. As part of the investigative actions, measures are being taken to identify other persons involved in the case.

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