POLITICS | 16:57 / 10.02.2020
2 min read

License for transportation of passengers and goods can now be obtained online

A license for transporting passengers and goods by road can now be obtained online, on the portal my.gov.uz.

Photo: Getty Images

Now the applicant just needs to apply for a license to transport passengers and goods by filling out the required form and wait for approval.

A public service charge is levied in the amount of one base calculating amount. For issuing a license card, a state fee is levied in the amount established in accordance with the law.

Notification of a decision to issue a license or refusal is given in a written or electronic form within one business day, which is another advantage of the Single Portal for Interactive State Services (SPISS). A license is issued for unlimited period.

The service was launched jointly by the Center, the Unified Integrator of UZINFOCOM and the Transport Ministry of Uzbekistan.

It is worth noting that more than 6,500 business entities have already obtained licenses through the SPISS.

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