POLITICS | 12:00 / 19.03.2020
8 min read

“Digital Tashkent” program to be implemented in the capital city

Tashkent adopts measures on the widespread introduction of digital technologies in the capital.

The President signed the resolution “On measures for broad introduction of digital technologies in Tashkent”.

The Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications and the Tashkent city administration agreed on implementation of the “Digital Tashkent” program.

The program includes:

- List of information systems and software products to be implemented in 2020-2021;

- Plan for realization of “Digital Tashkent” program;

- List of projects to expand telecommunications infrastructure by 2020;

- List of ambitious information systems and software products approved for 2021-2023.

The main objective of the program is to create an integrated information environment for urban services management, social infrastructure, production, road transport and utility infrastructure and to further implement this experience in other regions of the country.

According to the program, in 2020:

Integrated online system for online purchase of e-tickets for air, rail and other transport services will have been introduced by May 1;

Paper reports at all schools will have been replaced by electronic records system by September 1;

Online payment for natural gas, electricity, drinking water and hot water, as well as new unified information system “My Home” created in cooperation with community services, will be available by November 1;

It is also planned to introduce the “Electronic Medical Card” information system and to connect 62 family polyclinics to the “Electronic Polyclinic” information system by December 1.

The following new departments will be established:

a) The Department of Digital Development under the Tashkent city khokimiyat. Its main objectives are:

Creation of geographic information-analytical system of the city;

Integration of information systems, databases and other sources of information of government agencies and organizations with information systems of Tashkent city khokimiyat through a single software platform;

Timely and qualitative implementation of the projects, organization of effective work on ensuring the protection and storage of information in the information systems of Tashkent city administration;

Commercialization of information systems and software, attraction of loans and grants from international financial institutions and foreign organizations, as well as other sources not prohibited by the legislation.

b) The network project offices established in the structure of the Department. Their main tasks are:

Development of project concepts, design and technical documentation of projects, as well as maintenance of relevant information systems, databases and software products;

Integration of digital services into the Program, introduction of unique identifiers and classifiers in information systems and software products of government agencies and organizations;

c) Information and Analytical Center “Digital Capital” established under the Department. Its main tasks are:

Analysis and processing of information received as a result of information systems cooperation in urban services;

Identification of systemic problems in the development of urban environment, making some proposals to improve the efficiency of urban services and, in general, to improve the urban environment.

From April 1 of the current year, the collected money and fines will start being transferred to the local budget of Tashkent city:

а) fully:

Monthly fee for outdoor advertising in outdoor advertising facilities in Tashkent city with deduction of funds;

Penalties for violating parking rules of on toll-free car parks in the city of Tashkent;

b) 80% of fees for violations of traffic rules, registered by special automated photo and video-fixing equipment in Tashkent, and the remaining 20% goes ​​to the Development Fund of the Internal Affairs Department of Tashkent.

New position of the Head of Department for Implementation of the Information Technologies has been established in the structure of the Executive Office of the Tashkent city khokimiyat.

It is established that the deputy heads of ministries and other state bodies working on the development of information and communication technologies are personally responsible for effective cooperation with the Department and Project offices.

It is planned that within the framework of the Program:

Pre-project surveys, development of project conception and specifications will be undertaken by the Project Offices;

Examination of design and technical documentation is carried out exclusively by the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications Development and SUE “Cyber ​​Security Center”;

Involvement of developers of information systems and software products and conclusion of contracts with them is carried out by the Department through competition;

The Department has the right to sign contracts with information systems and software developers by means of a competition for projects worth up to 1 billion soums among residents of the Software Technology and IT Technology Park.

New procedure will be established, and according to it:

a) From September 1, 2020, government agencies and organizations in the development of information systems and software must:

Use technological solutions, classifiers and standards approved by the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications:

Ensure the use of open-source electronic documents, mainly without any licensing restrictions, when developing software products;

install hardware and software systems in accordance with approved national standards and technical requirements;

b) From May 1, 2020, the formation, storage and processing of information in information systems and resources of government agencies and organizations will be carried out only with the following unique identifiers:

Individuals - Private Identification Number for Individuals;

Legal entities - taxpayer identification number;

Real estate - cadastre number;

Addresses - geographic code;

Vehicles - vehicle identification number.

The khokimiyat of Tashkent city and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications Development will launch the “Public Control Portal” and its mobile app by May 1, 2020 to organize public control over urban infrastructure, quality of public services and other issues of public interest.

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