11:01 / 09.05.2020

What specialties and skills will be in demand in Uzbekistan after the pandemic?

 Coronavirus in a sense put the work of many on pause. The labor market is changing, and the professions that were in demand before quarantine, today may be unnecessary and poorly paid.

Photo: KUN.UZ

 “During the quarantine period, many companies tried to continue their work using ICT, even those who did not use them before began to realize their necessity and effectiveness,” HRC said.

 According to Spot, this applies to both the activities of companies and the organization of work of employees. In this regard, there will be a growing demand for IT specialists, who can introduce modern technologies in the work of companies in various fields.

 HRC emphasized that in the period after the quarantine, managers, who can “restart” the work of companies, analyze the impact of the crisis, evaluate new opportunities, and optimize costs, will be in demand.

 Also, with the transition of public and private educational institutions to distance learning, some of these courses will remain online. After quarantine ends, teachers who have shown good efficiency can be attracted in this direction.

 Online trading, including delivery services, will be actively developed. Many people, due to lack of mobility, realized the convenience of e-trading platforms and learned how to use them correctly.

 Increasing the number of this target audience today requires the creation of new platforms and services, and to ensure their functioning is necessary to attract the appropriate personnel – IT developers, project managers, operators, couriers.

 With the increase in the number of online users, demand for bloggers and online journalists, PR and content managers is expected to increase.

 “It is difficult to say confidently which specialists will not be in demand in comparison with the period before quarantine, because due to timely measures, the quarantine period is not that long and the market will recover its initial state in the medium term,” HRC noted.

 However, many companies will learn from the crisis in terms of assessing the effectiveness of their employees. The crisis revealed employees who are capable of self-organization, working for the result and bringing concrete benefits to the company, they will be guaranteed promotion on the career ladder.

Profi Training co-founder Tatyana Shalunova emphasized that the world has long been on the path of digitalization: in some countries, it’s faster, in others it’s slower. The pandemic simply accelerated this process.

 Everything will gradually turn into the digital platform.

 Shalunova identified several areas:

 • the demand for top management in the coming years will not lose its relevance: processes need to be developed, debugged and implemented;

• financiers will continue to be in demand, only the requirements for them will increase – now the business needs to not only count the numbers, but they must be managed (forecast, analyze and suggest optimization options);

• the marketing sector will undergo changes, which will increase the demand for analysts and creative professionals;

• there was, there is and it is likely that there will be high demand for IT specialists.

 Specialists with the skills to make decisions, analytical and critical thinking, the ability to negotiate and many other so-called soft-skills will not lose their relevance.

 “I belong to people who believe that the impossible is possible, you just have not tried it yet. Therefore, you can learn quite a lot of professions, especially if their development does not require direct contact with people,” the co-founder of Profi Training said.

 “In my opinion, dramatic changes in terms of professions in Uzbekistan will not happen. There will, of course, be some temporary changes – the catering and tourism sectors will subside, the demand for IT-specialists and programmers will increase. But in general, life will return to its previous course,” Alpha Education founder Alisher Jumaniyazov said.

 He said that highly effective people with a certain set of qualities, who can adapt to changing realities, will be in demand.

 The crisis has shown that having skills in a variety of areas can help not to lose a job. Some basic knowledge can be obtained remotely. But from a professional perspective, experience is very important.

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