13:43 / 26.05.2020

Sharofat Toshmirzayeva: Teaching children from all over Uzbekistan is a big responsibility

Due to the pandemic, children around the world are forced to switch to online education. The IV quarter in schools of Uzbekistan began and ended online.

In order not to deprive schoolchildren of education, a broadcast of TV lessons was organized in a short period of time.

At the end of the academic year, Kun.uz correspondent interviewed one of the authors of these TV lessons, Sharofat Toshmirzayeva, who taught schoolchildren in the 11th grade Uzbek Language and Literature.

Sharofat Toshmirzayeva shared with us her impressions of the process of selecting and filming teachers for TV lessons, as well as of the academic year ending online.

They began to select teachers for TV lessons as soon as quarantine was announced

As a teacher, I was pleased that the situation was quickly taken under control after the announcement of quarantine and the closure of schools. Schools were closed on March 16, and on March 17, all the qualified teachers of Tashkent were assembled by the Ministry of Public Education.

In my opinion, there was no opportunity to attract all the best teachers of the republic due to quarantine restrictions.

After a group of qualified teachers was formed, they, again after selection, were involved in conducting TV lessons. Then the filming process began.

We passed coronavirus tests and lived in the Presidential School for 18 days

In the very first days after the invitation to conduct TV lessons, the first month of the filming process was organized at the MTRK Media Center. At first, I was worried that I might get sick due to the fact that I constantly go there to film lessons. Although we were provided with medical masks and protective tools, it was a little uneasy.

However, after a while, everyone who participated in the filming passed the coronavirus test, and after everyone had a negative result, the teachers were sent to the Presidential School in Tashkent, where the shooting of lessons began.

The filming process at the Presidential School lasted about 18 days. During this time, teachers never returned home. Everyone worked on the lessons without leaving the building.

We had to work around the clock to prepare a video format for the entire IV quarter. On some days we only had time to sleep for 2-3 hours. However, the Ministry and the Department for Public Education of the city of Tashkent, the Agency for Presidential Schools helped and created all the necessary conditions for teachers to work.

Criticism in social networks motivated us to work on ourselves, to be more attentive

During the process itself, teachers were also selected. For example, some teachers experienced difficulties after 3-4 lessons and some others refused to continue the lessons. Some teachers were replaced by other teachers due to mistakes made in their lessons.

But other teachers continued to teach, working on their mistakes and observing the work process of other experienced teachers.

Our minister, Sherzod Shermatov, monitored our lessons and helped us constantly analyze the shortcomings that we needed to work on. It was in this form that we went from lesson to lesson, trying to overcome our mistakes.

There have also been cases of criticism of some TV lessons on social networks. This encouraged us to work on ourselves, to be more attentive.

Giving lessons in front of the camera was not easy

Talking in front of the camera was a little difficult, although we participated in the filming every day. It was also an additional responsibility that the lessons were watched by children from all over the country.

We were worried about making mistakes. Sometimes we even cut off our speech or stammered during classes.

But, I think that we have overcome these shortcomings with the help of directors and cameramen. We were very pleased with our latest lessons.

It was hard for us to give lessons on television, because we used to have lessons in the classroom, with pupils, constantly asking and answering each other’s questions. This was especially noticeable in those moments when it was necessary to ask children questions on the topic. Since the question needs to be answered immediately after it was asked, but at the same time it is clear that there will be no answers, since the teacher gives the lesson alone.

In such situations, we needed to act tactfully, and we said: “I'm sure that you have found the right answer. Yes, the correct answer is ...”. Of course, this may look a little unnatural. But when the lessons were ready, we, feeling that the pupils were watching us in front of the TV, tried to communicate with them.

The camera is not the eyes of our students, it can bring us thousands and millions of students throughout the country, but the lack of naturalness and warmth is still felt.

The end of this academic year differs from the previous ones

At the end of the academic year, we always felt the love of children through their eyes. But at the end of this academic year, we lacked that feeling.

On the last day of filming, the song of the last bell was also shot. This year, instead of our students, we, teachers sang the song “Khayr Maktabim” (“Farewell to My School”).

Then in the process of filming, tears came to our eyes. After all, it is the first time we finish the academic year without students.

General conclusion about TV lessons

Television has reached those regions of the country, where the Internet is unavailable. I think that almost all students had the opportunity to continue their studies on television. If they closely followed the lessons, they were able to master the curriculum in accordance with the state standard of education.

In addition, experienced teachers were involved in the filming of TV lessons. I think that their lessons had served as a master class for many teachers.

A base for visual aids for the IV quarter was created in almost all subjects. In subsequent years, it can also be used by teachers in the process of explaining the topics of the lessons. Because there are topics in textbooks that are difficult to explain. Before moving on to such topics, teachers searched for materials, trying to find simpler and easier ways of explaining them. It will also be an experience for young teachers.

In my opinion, this practice can be continued even after the end of the quarantine period. A database of TV lessons can be created, attracting the most experienced teachers from all over the country.
