BUSINESS | 22:28 / 27.05.2020
4 min read

Sanitary and hygienic condition of gas filling stations being studied in Fergana region  

The State Committee for Tourism Development and the regional working group conducted studies to improve the sanitary and hygienic condition of gas filling stations operating in the Fergana region and prevent the coronavirus infection and other infectious diseases in order to create a safe environment for visitors to the region. 

According to the Decree No. 793 of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures for the further development of road and tourist infrastructure”, dated September 21, 2019, on May 26, at gas stations “Erantis Qurilish” LLC, “Margilan Avto Savdo” LLC, “Avtomobil-List” LLC, “Universal-Metan” LLC, “Real Gas” LLC, “Oloviddin Fayz” LLC, “Avtogaz Servis” LLC, located in cities and districts of the region, the sanitary and hygienic conditions were considered by members of republican and regional working groups. 

Based on the results of the studies, the necessary recommendations were given on adapting the designs of inadequate sanitary-hygienic units (SHU) on the basis of approved standard projects, creating the necessary conditions for people with disabilities, using disposable sanitary-hygienic means, establishing signs and observing sanitary and hygienic rules. 

At the same time, the newly built and adapted SHU in the region were tested. Based on the results of the study, members of the working group allowed the SHU to start their activities. 

In the course of the previous study of these facilities, in order to create jobs and additional income for owners of gas stations, create additional conditions for the population and tourists, as well as in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on the activities of gas stations, retail outlets, customer service, fast food outlets, it was recommended to create free Wi-Fi zones. 

In the current pandemic situation, it is necessary to measure the body temperature of citizens before entering institutions using a non-contact pyrometer, restrict the entry of visitors with signs of infectious diseases (coughing, sneezing, etc.), install a dispenser with an antiseptic, and take measures to maintain social distance. 

For information: there are 72 CNG filling stations, 64 gas stations and 189 petrol stations in the Fergana region – a total of 325 gas stations. 

It should be noted that the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Uzbekistan approved temporary sanitary regulations on the organization of activities of state bodies and other organizations, as well as business entities in the context of the application of restrictive measures during the coronavirus pandemic. Compliance with these sanitary rules is monitored by the state sanitary inspection authorities.

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