POLITICS | 12:12 / 23.06.2020
3 min read

Uzbekistan’s National Human Rights Strategy approved

The President of Uzbekistan signed a decree “On the approval of the National Strategy of Uzbekistan on Human Rights”.

According to the decree, the followings are the main activities of the State bodies and organizations that are responsible for the implementation of international human rights treaties:

• ensuring the unconditional execution of national action plans (“roadmaps”) aimed at implementing the recommendations of international organizations on the protection of human rights;

• identifying, analyzing and addressing the causes and conditions that hinder the implementation of the recommendations of the UN Charter bodies and treaty committees through the development and carrying out of measures to improve legislation and law enforcement practices;

• implementing effective cooperation with the Public Chamber under the President of Uzbekistan and civil society institutions in the field of fulfilling international obligations of the Republic on human rights.

The document also approved the National Strategy of Uzbekistan on Human Rights, the “Roadmap” for the implementation of the National Strategy, the regulation on the procedure for cooperation between the State bodies of the Republic on consideration of notices and decisions of UN statutory bodies and treaty committees.

The decree stipulates the establishment of a badge “For the Protection of Human Rights”, which is awarded annually on International Human Rights Day for services in the protection and the promotion of human rights culture. It also states that every two years, the Samarkand Forum on Human Rights will be held at the highest level with the participation of representatives of international organizations, experts from foreign countries and guests of honor.

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